How to create email broadcast
Every broadcast is created in 3 easy steps.
- Step 1: Type the name of your broadcast, choose a channel for the broadcast (email), choose your audience and UTM parameters and A/B testing (optional)
- Step 2: Enter subject line of your email broadcast and add your broadcast content – you can choose one of already existing templates or create a new one. In this step you can also send email test to check if everything looks good
- Step 3: Set up your broadcast start and end dates, sending time, and a recurrence for recurring broadcast - weekly, monthly, daily, etc. or send an instant broadcast with send now button.
Note: Checking UTM parameters especially "broadcast_id" and "customer_id," to track each customer's behavior, engagement and traffic after receiving the broadcast. Therefore, it is very useful to check these parameters whenever making a broadcast.
How to approve broadcast
Once a scheduled broadcast is created, it will appear in the broadcast list labelled as "waiting for approval". To initiate the broadcast, simply click the "Approve" button located on the right side of the broadcast.
Approve broadcast does not appear for broadcasts that are set to send now (on the 3rd step of creating broadcast). These broadcasts are triggered instantly. They can always be tested through the creation process in order to check all the content before you send it to customers.
How to delete broadcast
If you want to delete the broadcast, next to the "Approve" button in the Actions dropdown menu, you'll find the "Delete" option.
How to test a broadcast before sending
To review the broadcast before sending it out, you'll find a "Test" button on the right-hand side. Testing broadcast will show you how customers will receive the message so you can adjust the details before sending it if necessary.
How to create email template
Email templates are created in Broadcast Studio > Templates. First page is email templating dashboard, the overview of existing templates with preview and editing options. To create email template for broadcast, click on “Create new template” in right top corner.
Now you can design your template easily by dragging and dropping components for the template – text boxes, buttons, dividers, blocks, images to the body of email. Components are in positioned in left vertical bar. You can preview how customer will see the email on Desktop and Mobile devices by clicking on the preview buttons.
In right vertical bar, there are options for formatting templates like adding custom background, links, fonts, etc. When you are happy with design enter template name and save it.
How to create personalized email broadcast
To personalize your email, while creating template, add placeholders to call customers by their name or by some other personal tag and communicate personalized product recommendations. You can find and add your placeholder by adding a text field in email templating and click on “Merge tag” option. Chose the desired personalization tag from the list of offered tags.
Note: Each audience has its own personalization tags that are the same as the column names in the customers file.
To add custom placeholders to your email broadcast, you should follow these steps:
- Click on create new template button
- Click on Upload customers file
- Choose the custom file you want to use and upload it
- Click on “text box” and drag it to the table.
- Click on the text sample, in the upper label chose “Merge tag” option
- Each column name will be available as a placeholder, choose it from the offered placeholders.
You have the option to include an image in the template by uploading a custom image and making it clickable. This will allow customers to click on the image and be directed to the page of their recommended product. You can also choose to use an image of the recommended product with or without page redirection. To do this, follow these steps during the template creation process:
- Click on “Image box” and drag it to the table
- To upload your desired image, click on the "Upload" box in the right configuration panel and choose the image from your destination folder. If you want to add a personalized image, click on the placeholder's tag under the image box and choose the recommended product image.
If you want to direct customers to a specific page or a personalized page, scroll down on the right panel to the "Link" section and add a link, or click on the placeholder’s tag to choose the recommended product link.
In the same way in configuration panel, you can personalize the other boxes “Button”, “Wrapper”, “Social”, “Hero”.
How to create Viber broadcast
- Step 1: Type the name of your broadcast, choose a channel for the broadcast (Viber), and add tags for easier broadcast tracking. Select an existing Audience or upload a custom audience file to target with your broadcast.
In this step, you are also able to select A/B testing and define the validity period. This feature allows you to send SMS message in case Viber message wasn’t delivered while validity period is time after which the message will be sent via SMS channel.
Here you can also add UTM parameters to track additional information about your broadcast such as broadcast, broadcast, profile_id, channel - Step 2: Add your broadcast content (text, button text, button URL, image)
- Step 3: In this step you are setting up your broadcast start and end dates, broadcast sending time, and a recurrence for recurring broadcast - weekly, monthly, daily, etc. This step shows a final summary of the broadcast, before finally confirming it.
Note: Checking UTM parameters especially "broadcast_id" and "customer_id," to track each customer's behavior, engagement and traffic after receiving the broadcast. Therefore, it is very useful to check these parameters whenever making a broadcast.
How to create personalized Viber broadcast
To make you Viber message personalized add placeholders. While creating a broadcast content in step 2, you can use personalized placeholders in your text. This includes using a first and last name placeholder to personally address your customer or using recommended product or pricing to tailor and communicate a personalized offering towards your target audience.
Additional level of personalization for Viber broadcasts available in Broadcast Studio are personalized button and personalized image. This means that the button's link is customized to the user's recommended product (choose one of top 5 recommended products for each customer), and each customer will receive an image of this recommended product (depending on which you choose from 1-5 of the recommended products).
How to create SMS broadcast
- Step 1: Type the name of your broadcast, choose a channel for the broadcast (SMS), select an existing Audience or upload a custom audience file to target with your broadcast.
Here you can also add UTM parameters to track additional information about your broadcast such as broadcast, broadcast, profile_id, channel and select if you want to do A/B testing - Step 2: This is the step where you add SMS content (text). Keep in mind that unsubscribe letters are included in 160-character limit
- Step 3: In this step you are setting up your broadcast start and end dates, broadcast sending time, and a recurrence for recurring broadcast - weekly, monthly, daily, etc. This step shows a final summary of the broadcast, before finally confirming it.
Note: Checking UTM parameters especially "broadcast_id" and "customer_id," to track each customer's behavior, engagement and traffic after receiving the broadcast. Therefore, it is very useful to check these parameters whenever making a broadcast.
How to create personalized SMS broadcast
Create your personalized SMS broadcasts by adding placeholders. While creating a broadcast content in step 2, you can use personalized placeholders in your text. This includes using a first and last name placeholder to personally address your customer or using recommended product or pricing to tailor and communicate a personalized offering towards your target audience.
How to perform A/B testing
A/B/C testing is a functionality that enables testing different communication for different groups of the customers in a broadcast, to test and measure different approach of communicating the offering. A/B/C testing is enabled in Broadcast Studio for any channel.
A/B/C testing is part of the second step in creating a broadcast. Simply select the percentage of the total audience you want to target with A, B and C broadcasts, and set different content for these 3 groups that are randomly divided based on the defined percentage.
How to check broadcast using calendar view
In Broadcasts dashboard there are list and calendar view of existing broadcasts. For easier broadcast planning access the calendar overview by selecting the calendar icon located in the upper right corner, next to the sorting option.
How to export delivery report
Navigate to the broadcast you want to extract report for > click on the drop-down menu next to Report > select Export delivery report > choose between csv and excel format for your report. The report for your specific broadcast will be sent to your email.
How to check broadcast metrics
In Broadcast dashboard, you can see the list of all your broadcasts and metrics that show number of targeted customers, delivered, opened and clicked for sent Viber broadcasts and all of those with addition of bounced and unsubscribed for email broadcasts.
After the broadcast is finished, you can view the broadcast metrics by clicking the "Report" button located on the right side of the specific broadcast.
Report of each Viber broadcast will show you:
- Delivery metrics: the number of targeted people, number of delivered, seen and clicked messages
- Conversion rates: number of customers that bought any product, number of customers that bought products on promotional offer, number of customers that bought product(s) communicated in the broadcast message and drill down conversion rates by product(s) communicated in broadcast
- Revenue metrics: average basket value, average basket size, revenue gained from buying any product, revenue gained from buying products on promotional offer, revenue gained from buying product(s) communicated in the broadcast message, drill down conversion rates by product(s) communicated in broadcast.
If you did A/B/C testing for a specific broadcast, you can also see all of the metrics for each group.
All of the abovementioned report metrics are based on a specific broadcast and its duration.
Report of each email broadcast will show you:
- Delivery metrics: the number of targeted people, number of delivered, seen and clicked emails and also bounced, delayed and unsubscribed
- Conversion rates: number of customers that bought any product, number of customers that bought products on promotional offer, number of customers that bought product(s) communicated in the broadcast message and drill down conversion rates by product(s) communicated in broadcast
- Revenue metrics: average basket value, average basket size, revenue gained from buying any product, revenue gained from buying products on promotional offer, revenue gained from buying product(s) communicated in the broadcast message, drill down conversion rates by product(s) communicated in broadcast.
If you did A/B/C testing for a specific broadcast, you can also see all of the metrics for each group.
All of the above mentioned report metrics are based on a specific broadcast and its duration.
- Emails sent - The number of emails that have been sent in a specific broadcast
- Open rate - Percentage of the total number of recipients (successfully delivered) who opened the email broadcast
- Click rate - Percentage of delivered emails for which at least one click was registered
- Unsubscribe rate - Percentage of recipients who opened and unsubscribed from the email broadcast.
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