Top N feature allows you to find top number of customers in an audience using any of the available rules (eg. average monthly spending, average basket size, age etc). You can sort them in an ascending or descending order. This audience can be saved or exported to csv file.
Navigate to Segmentation studio > Top N
The first section is used for configuring your new segment. At first, you can define the name for the new segment.
Afterwards, you should select the source segment which you would like to sort/cut by certain criteria.
The second section is used for configuring criteria for sorting and defining the size of the chosen segment.
The first step includes selecting one or more attributes along with the ascending or descending rule, depending what do you want to achieve.
The second step lets you define how big the output segment should be.
For example, if you want to withdraw “Top 100 most frequent customers”, you would choose sort by frequency with descending rule, for top 100 profiles.
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