On the insights tab of touchpoint dashboard, you can see various metrics relating to the performance of the touchpoints active in the chosen period. There are overall metrics that are aggregated for all touchpoints (TPs), and these are:
Metrics overview for all touchpoints:
- Number of requests - this metric shows how many recommendations or search results have been served to users of the site
- Number of unique visitors - this shows how many different users have been served with recommendations or search results. Essentially showing how many people use these features.
- Popular visiting hours - this color chart allows you to visually gauge activity on your site that is done through touchpoints. It represents the average activity as the number of requests (searches or clicks on recommendations) per hour per day.
Smart search metrics
There are two more groups of overall metrics, one for Smart search if it is active and another for Smart Recommendations. For Smart Search you can see:
- Searches in selected period - shows total number of searches in a chosen period
- Unique search users - number of different users of search in a chosen period
- Average daily search - average number of searches made in each day in a chosen period
Probably the most interesting metrics are:
- Product page views from Smart search
- Revenue generated from Smart search
The first one shows how many times product pages have been visited as a result of a search. Beneath it you can see what percentage of all visits this makes (other visits might be from recommendations, other external links from ads or simply browsing through the site). Some of these visits result in orders, and we estimate the revenue generated this way. Under this metric you can see what percentage of all revenue is coming from Smart search, so you can estimate how important it is in generating activity and revenue on your site.
There are additional three metrics for Smart search, besides the overall metrics:
- Top query searches – this is a list of most popular search terms
- Avg. product visit duration from Smart search
- Avg. product visit duration not triggered by Smart search
The last two metrics are useful for estimating the relevance of Smart search results. They show the time spent on a product page after getting to it as the result of the search and after getting to it in other ways (for example through browsing).
Smart recommender metrics
For Smart recommender touchpoints the metrics are following:
- Number of requests for Smart recommendations - this metric shows how many times a recommendations carousel was served to a user
- Number of Product page views from Smart recommendations - this metric shows how many times users visited a product page by clicking on a recommendation in the carousel
- Revenue generated from clicked products on Smart recommendations - here you can see the revenue generated from the visits to product pages that have come from recommendations carousel. Under this metric you can see what percentage of total revenue this makes so that you can gauge the importance and the contribution Smart recommendations make to your revenue
- Average product page visit duration triggered with Smart recommendations - similarly to Smart search metrics this is intended to show the relevance of recommended products, you can check here if the users spend on average more time looking at products that were recommended to them.
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